​George Alexander McKinlock Jr.

Following the founding of the American Legion after World War I in 1919, a group of Lake Forest IL Veterans organized the George Alexander McKinlock Jr. Post. McKinlock, who was with a machine gun group in France, was believed to be the first Lake Forester killed in action during the First World War. Unfortunately, after his death, the military was not able to provide his mother with the location of his grave. She subsequently searched grave sites in France for months before finally finding a grave marked “McKinlow". The helmet hanging on a little cross at the head of the grave however, was label with his correct name inside.
The mission of the Lake Forest McKinlock Post is to promote loyalty to Country and Patriotism, not only in times of conflict, but in times of peace, as well as to teach respect for our Nation’s Flag. Through our fundraising efforts, our primary mission is to assist our veterans, support our youth and promote patriotism.