Please Read these Frequently Asked Questions as 99% will be answered, with Contact-Us form below

Q: How much is the entry fee?
A: There is no entry fee.
Q: Did you receive my application?
A: If you received an email saying we received your application, then we received your application. Before you call or email us, please click on this link <Processed> Tab, and check to see if your application is there. The instructions will tell you how to expand the Group or Company Name and scroll through all of the received applications. The table is in reverse order of entry, that is the last application is on top. You might have to scroll thru a few pages to get to the date of your application. We encourage you to scroll thru the entire list before contacting us. Thank you.
Q: I can't submit my Application. What is wrong?
First, you must fill out every field, they are all required, including a backup email address.
Second, you must read the rules and check a box that you will follow all of these rules.
Third, some browsers do not allow third party apps (the 123FormBuilder application form) to be run from your browser. Check the security settings to change that option.
Fourth, try a different browser.
Fifth, try a different computer.
Sixth, people have had success using their smart phone to submit their application.
Q: What if I am dropping off a parade participant?
A: First, please print out the Parade_Order_Number for your float. NEW RULES Dropping off children: In the event that parents need to drop off their children, parents MUST park and walk their child/children to their parade float as designated by their Parade Order Number. Read the parade <Rules> for where to Park.
Q: If I am dropping off a parade participant where should I park my car so that I could pick them up at the end of the parade?
A: The Parade ends at West Park located between Green Bay Road and Summit ave and Sunset Place and Woodland Rd. Please see the map below. Please park your car at West Park or QUARTA parking lot after your drop off your parade participant.
Q: Where will my group line up?
A: We try and place young children and our older participants towards the front of the parade. You will receive an email on or before the Monday before the parade with your Parade_Order_Number. You can also check this tab <Map and Parade Order> or go to this website: http://www.lakeforestday.com/parade-map soon after JULY 31st after 3pm.
Q: Can I have music on my float?
A: Yes, we encourage participants to have music. Please indicate that you will have music on the parade application by selecting YES in the box next to music. It is important to do this, to make sure two floats with music are not next to each other.
Assembly Area:
All vehicles that are in the parade must enter Western Ave at Westleigh Rd from the South and proceed North to your assigned area. The parade will form at 8:15 A.M. SEE MAP. Please arrive at the staging are before 9:30 A.M. Any entry arriving after 9:45 A.M. will be positioned at the rear of the parade if room is available.
There will be an official wearing a traffic vest located in your assigned area. Traffic on this section of Western Avenue will be halted for approximately three hours to permit safe parade assembly and execution.
Special notice to all parade entrants/participants: During previous years some parade entrants and/or float vehicles have arrived prior to the designated assembly time - some over two hours before start of the parade. Due to the narrow confines of Western Avenue in the assembly area between Vine Ave and Ryan Place, we cannot accommodate or position any early arrivals. Two-way traffic through the assembly area cannot be halted until 8:15 A.M. All early parade arrivals will be sent away from the assembly area and told to return via Westleigh Road as specified above. Please ensure that your parade personnel/drivers do not arrive before 8:15 A.M. We need 100% cooperation in this vital area - it is a matter of public safety.
Parade Route:
The parade will begin at 10 am at the intersection Western Avenue between Vine & Illinois Rd and proceed north on Western Ave to Westminster, (crossing Illinois Road and Deerpath), then turn left (west) on Westminster past Bank Lane, Forest Ave and Oakwood Ave to Summit Ave; then turn right (north) on Summit Ave to the end of the parade on the side of West Park near the Summit Ave/Summit Place intersection.
If you have questions we did not answer or if we can be of assistance, please call Post 264 at , and leave a message. Someone will call you back as soon as they can. You can also use the form below to send an email message to the Parade Coordinator. In the Subject Line please put "2024 Lake Forest Day Parade".

Contact Us Form: Use this form only to ask a question if you have read the "Parade Rules" and the "Frequently asked Questions" above. Thank you for your cooperation. Note: * is required fields.